What is a Partner Pleaser?

You're empathetic, so you tend to prioritize your partner's

  • likes/dislikes
  • how he feels
  • his interests
  • his ideas of fun and pleasure

You like harmony and tend to "keep the peace" so you accommodate him with:

  • money
  • time together
  • sex
  • hobbies
  • the kids
  • household chores
You don't feel seen, heard or valued.
You deserve a solution
as unique as you are.

Partner Pleasing is very painful because you aren't seen and heard, so you don't feel valued.

There's nothing wrong with you. It's not "your fault."

You need the tools to be seen, heard and valued. 

In this one-on-one coaching package, you're going to get the undivided attention you need to begin shifting out of Partner Pleasing and into the liberation that comes from an Inner-Loving-Presence that always sees, hears and values you.

 Trade Partner Pleasing for
Being Seen and Heard
Partner Pleaser =
  • Keeping the peace
  • Being angry and frustrated
  • Empathy that silences you
  • Prioritizing his wants and needs
  • Setting aside your desires
  • Circular arguments - He doesn't seem to get what you're saying
  • Resentment; you give too much and then end up angry
Being Seen and Heard =
  • Equality - Your feelings, opinions, wants and needs are equally important
  • Having conversations, not battles
  • You feel like he "get's you"
  • You are open and loving
  • Enjoy confident communication
  • Peace and joy
Choose Being Seen and Heard
Partner Pleasing

It took me a long time and a lot of frustrating, sleepless nights. Which is why I love coaching people on how to move from Partner Pleasing to being seen and heard.

Empathy for my partner silenced me. I would set a boundary or ask for something I wanted. When he explained why he wasn't going to agree to it, I could understand where he was coming from. So, I dropped it. 

What he wanted took priority. I didn't mind most of the time, but after a while I felt dismissed. 

I would tell him how I felt about something and he would explain why I shouldn't feel that way. That I took it wrong or was reacting out of my own baggage. And, I let his voice be stronger than mine. 

I was stuck in Partner Pleasing. 

Then I discovered my Inner-Loving-Presence and learned how to be seen, heard and valued.

That's when everything changed. And not just in my romantic relationship, but all my relationships! 

If I can do it, you can! Let's get started!

"I'm a coach and I worked with Brenda because I knew I had some beliefs and patterns still hiding in me. Brenda was able to show me where the People Pleaser was still lurking. We all have deeper layers of unconscious beliefs that want our attention. Brenda is skilled at guiding you to those beliefs and in coaching you through them. Work with Brenda - she is the coach you need! She goes above and beyond to provide amazing value to her clients. I cannot thank you enough Brenda!"

Sobia D.

It's time for you to get results.
Entry Level
Power Package for

You'll get 9 private, 60-minute coaching sessions.

We'll discover where your power is diminished.

We'll uncover the root causes.

 We'll create your unique solution.

Your investment for 9, one-hour sessions is $1,497 when you take advantage of the "Pay Now Discount."

A payment plan with 3 payments at $547 each is available.

VIP Level
Power Package for
Plus, Plus!
This is a power transfusion!

You'll get more of everything!

18 private, 60-minute coaching sessions.


A private 2-hour Liberation Session. We'll dive deep into the issues, patterns and habits that need dissolving and identify key desires and goals for our work together.


6-Months of Voxer access to me to give you the intimate support you need. (Voxer is a free app that allows us to communicate easily in between sessions.) 

You'll get the time and attention you need to make sustainable transformation!

You'll KNOW there is no power outside of you greater than the power inside you!

Power Package VIP investment is $4,997 when you take advantage of the "Pay Now Discount."

A payment plan with 6 payments of $927 is available. 

Three Reasons to
Sign-up for
Be Seen and Heard
1. You're the solution you've been looking for.
Even when we're in a relationship, the power to make change always comes from within. That's good news because we have no power over our partner. We do have immense personal power, whether we feel it or not. "Be Seen and Heard" will give you your power back! You'll stop second-guessing yourself and start prioritizing your wants, needs and desires. 
2. You're ready to communicate clearly and effectively

Clear and effective communication is "easier said than done." Your situation is unique. Your relationship is unique. That's why a one-to-one coaching package is needed. We'll work on the practical conversations you may need to have and you'll experience how communicating clearly comes easily when we are committed to self-love.

3. Being seen and heard = being valued

When you see an hear yourself, when you stop silencing and minimizing your wants and needs, you are valuing yourself. This is true, self-love. This is true Freedom. When you see and hear yourself it changes everything about how you show-up in your relationship and in the world. It's all about radical personal growth and it changes everything! 

"Brenda is present, fun, direct, intuitive, smart and she flipped everything I said around on its head! She has a gift that takes all these seemingly disconnected stories, finds the common thread and guides you to the core of the issue. To the truth. When the truth emerges, it's simple, it's freedom! After working with Brenda, I feel like I've found myself again. I'm awake with a new perspective, new awareness and a clear mind, which has me excited for my future. It truly feels like a gift."

Jody B.

Be Seen and Heard is a personalized, one-on-one coaching package, because...
 You  are unique and so is your relationship. You need private, focused attention. Each session is about you and what you need to access the personal power inside you to get the results you want for yourself and your relationship.
 There are two ways to approach relationship issues. One is to think that your partner needs to change. There are lots of programs and books designed to show you how to change your partner. If that's what you want, this package is NOT for you. 
 This package is for YOU because I think you know that the issue is bigger than what your partner is doing. You also know that the only person you have power over is yourself. And here's the amazing benefit to that, it means YOU can do it! 
 I've helped others and I can help you. You need a guide. One who's "been there" and who has learned how to unravel and release the complicated collection of Partner Pleasing habits that keep us from being seen, heard and valued. 

"Brenda is a true force to be reckoned with. She has a divine gift for helping her clients uncover the rocky places they are wrestling with in their minds and guides through and to new paths of peace and greater love. I highly recommend her services!"

Ticora D, Esq

What you get in
Be Seen and Heard
Every Session is Private - Just Me and You
After you register, I'll send you a comprehensive, "Partner Pleasing Evaluation Workbook." It will open you up to the patterns and habits that have been created that keep you stuck in Partner Pleasing. It will also get you envisioning the clear, confident empowered version of yourself who prioritizes her wants, needs and desires. The workbook alone will begin the transformation, but of course, that's just the beginning!
You'll get 3  or 9 one-hour sessions with me, depending on the package you choose. We'll unpack and uncover the blocks and habits that are the root cause of your specific version of being a Partner Pleasing. Once we find the root cause, we can unravel and unlock those blocks and habits so they don't control, limit and diminish you.
In the VIP Level package you get 90-days of Voxer support from me. Voxer is a free app that facilitates easy conversations between sessions. You'll get boost you need until we talk again. 
This is real life. So we'll take those circular arguments and conversations that never get anywhere and we'll reimagine them. Rescript them. Rehearse them. Then use them in your relationship when you're ready. 
I am your advocate. There's nothing I want other than your liberation. When you've liberated yourself, how you engage in your relationship will be different. I promise you that. I also promise that how you see yourself in the relationship will change. 
Next you're ready to unleash the new you! It's the most authentic version of yourself. She is powerful, confident, can ask for help, knows she is not alone and that self-love, being seen, heard and valued are her birthright.
You choose; Entry or VIP Level.
Payment plans available.

"After having worked with Brenda a few short months, she has helped me with dysfunctional relationships, spiritual growth and my business vision. Her mix of empathetic and analytic style is really flexible and a joy to work with. I would highly recommend working with her. Thanks Brenda!" 

Peter M

More About Brenda Florida, Certified Life Coach

Brenda is a master at untangling and liberating herself from the patterns and habits of Partner Pleasing and People Pleasing. She's had a history of relationships with unavailable men and narcissists. Frustrated and angry she went to work on herself.

She has the professional training and the life experience to guide others on their journey to freedom. Brenda's style is intuitive and pragmatic. She isn't interested in awareness and inspiration unless they lead to sustainable transformation. That's where personal power is. 

That's where freedom is. 

"None of us are broken. We don't need fixing. We need a guide to help us tap into the wisdom, power and authentic self-expression that is our birthright." 

Brenda hosts a weekly podcast, Liberate Your People Pleaser, writes a weekly blog and is active on Facebook with a Liberate Your People Pleaser private group and on IG as lavishbrenda. 

She is passionate about being a force for transformation in her life and the lives of others. 

Copyright - Brenda Florida 2020 - for more information email brenda@brendaflorida.com
